Montag, 26. Oktober 2015

Kiyoharu unplugged & Tsukuba-san


It's been 10 days again, as I only post when enough worth it happens ^^

Hard to believe that I am here for a month already o.o

On weekdays this week, nothing special happend here, except of delicious food with in nice company in between xD

The food-highligt this week happend on Tuesday with Kristin and Ana.
First of all, the restaurant looked very cute, as you had the oppotrtunity to sit on the floor there :D

And this was my food: Katsudon. I have never tried it until now, because of the pork. Don't like it that much, normally. But this menue just looked too god to obey - and it was fucking delicious. Surprising, surprising, but this will be on my list more often now <3

Oh, and.. remember the cats from my last entry? Well, I do not know why, but since this week I have one of them sitting in front of my window nearly every morning ;___; Poor thing.


But enough everyday stuff - Now to the main point I wanted to write about:
One thing is my first concert experience in Japan: Kiyoharu unplugged.
As you are not allowed to take photos of concerts in Japan, this is the only one I can offer xD

So.. to begin with, you probably HAVE to buy a drink when going at a concert in Japan, in this case it was around 500yen. Probably just an opportiúnity for the venue to make more profit.. but well.

! People who are not interested in the concert should just scroll down to the next topic, as the following got quite long :"D

For the entrance procedure, there is a randomly chosen number printed on your card - so no need to spent hours of waiting in front of the venue to get to the front. Which makes the whole procedure actually very nice and relaxing. I have NEVER experienced such a peaceful entrance procedure as here. Germany, take an example.
As this was an unplugged concert, there were mainly seats - I was in the standing room, which was pretty awesome though. There were 10 rows of seats - cinema-like seats with mounts for your drink and stuff, and right behind these was the standing room - And as I was one of the first persons left in, my sight was pretty free and awesome.

Regarding the concert itself - It was beautiful. THAT ELEGANCE.

It was only Kiyoharu singing, having two people playing Guitars behind him. The setting was pretty .. relaxed, too, as he stood on a grandma-like livingroom-carpet, having a chair on it, a small table with drinks and cigarettes and a vintage-looking lamp. He liked that lamp obviously, as he liked to swich it on and off, and tried to used it for effects and stuff. So all in all, his surrounding looked like a small vintage-livingroom, which fitted the acoustic-stuff.
(I do not know when he got rid of his shoes to perform barefoot, but well....)

The whole thing started with Kiyoharu sitting in the dark and smoking a cigarette while singing - Which looked really nice, together with the light conditions and the smoke-stuff. I nearly got goose bumps when he started singing. Which surprised me, because I did not expect that at this concert - but after all I seem to get very sensitive when musice is able to touch me.
Although his micro was.. a BIT too loud. But here and there in between I saw a good reason, why: He used his surrounding to create some other sounds besides the guitars - Like, stamping on the footrest of his chair, or knocking with his ring on the metal plate on his necklace and stuff. Nice, simple effects.
(Btw, he just overdid it with smoking. Like, smoking nearly the whole time I really did not feel sorry for his voice being rough when he talked :"D )

Songs chosen were pretty nice, as he even made up acoustic versions of older songs as 'Hikari' .. which stayed in my mind the strongest, because this version was really touching.

The fans all in all were very quiet during the concert xD And very cute. When Kiyoharu talked in between, there was absolute silence - except of "heeeh?" and "aaah~" - murmurs in between. In choir.. pretty funny.
And at the end of the it- After surprisingly long 2 hours - the encore-screams were very.. reserved and quiet, too. Not sure if it was the unplugged-setting, or Japanese concert-behaviour in general. I'll find out at the next one.
((((which will be Mucc ft. Lynch.. ahaha)))

After the concert, I got something to eat and strolled around Shibuya, before getting one of the last trains home. Which was full.


Ur already tired of reading? No? Good! :D
Because I have something more to tell - The excoursion to Mt. Tsukuba. 
Maybe I should just split the entrys in two to prevent them from getting too long..?

Anyways, with the Baumkuchen-Meeting (That German-Japanese-thingy), we planned to climb Mt. Tsukuba on Sunday. Actually, this was the first time for me climbing a mountain, so I did not really know what to expect.

We had some nice Japanese people from university with us who knew how to get around, and took the bus from Tsukuba station, a 30 minutes ride. You could already see the mountain out of the window.

The entrance - pay attention to the frog sitting on the phonebooth.
Actually, there have been frogs everywhere xD
Someone told us, that the frogs there eject a liquid out of their ears when scared, and that the inhabitants are producing medicine out of that. I am not sure wether to believe that or not.

Oh, and while we have waited for another person to come, there was this seller for soft-ice, who had thousands of variations. Normal ones, but also some interesting, unusual ones. I chose the to me most weird taste - sweet potatoe - and.. it was actually very delicious /D

Finally we started to go, but before the climbing actually started, we passed a tiny, but beautiful shrine area <3

 ... with a cow at the entrance. Touch her and you'll be lucky!

Sneaky picture of my future children!!! SO CUTE  ;wwwwwwwwwwww;

After that, the real thing begun.
I did not take that many pictures, as while climbing up I was too busy with not dying.
Although, as I was at the front in the fast group, we were able to take some nice breaks while waiting for the others here and there.. so thank you hahaha :3

And there were some nice places in between, like this one.
Keeping the evil out!

U see the smaller stones going up right in the middle of the door? The stuff looking like a wall?
Was not a wall, this was of part our path.
The way up was quite tough in between, at the moment I'm having a really hard muscle ache in my legs.

But when we made it to the top, we got rewarded with a fucking nice view. Ahwmygod. Here a few impressions, althoug the pictures are disappointing in comparison to what we have seen.

I was so .. proud and happy to be up there <3

Trying to find a cool pose in order to show that I felt like the tallest person in the world.
Didn't work.

Chilling on the top of the mountain ~~ :D

After staying there for a while, we got back to the others and had lunch altogether.
But I really did not want to go.
The view was just too amazing, and most important, you felt kind of.. free.

But well - when it came to the way down, there was a decision to make between climbing down, or taking the ropeway.
As I was the opinion that taking the ropeway would cut the whole efford down to the half, I was in the walking group - who manages to climb up, has to climb down, too!
However, the way down was harder than I thought. The way up I was one of the quickest, and the now the last person - Simply because I was scared to fall, because I can be so fucking clumsy xD
This is a part of how most of the way down was like. U see what I mean, right.

At the end of the way, there was a huge slide :D
I was really ecited to see that, until we found out that it's so old that one could walk down.

At the end of the slide, there was this small amusement park.
Which was actually very abandoned and very scary. I don't want to be there at night.

All in all, the day was very fun and ... yeah ... unique.
ありがとう~~~~~ <3

Das wars :D
Ich liebe euch, schickt mir Milka und Lasagne /DDD 
Ne ordentliche Bratwurst im Brötchen wär auch geil. Boah.
Oder richtiges Brot. Schwarzbrot.

... ich schweife ab.
Tschööö <3

Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015

Daily Life & Tokyo again.

Hah.. long time no see, actually I planned writing one post a week, and I do not know why I didn't this time :"D

But I am getting more and more used to life here, not at least because university started last week and I have something like an everyday life now.

First of all: We have cats on the campus. These are just two of them. <3

Yesterday we had a welcomeparty - basically I just went there because they said there will be food. And there was. Heaven.
I just ate so much fruit, because fruit is like one of the most expensive foods here. I really miss that ;;

It turned out that university starts at 12:15 for me every day, and only one day at 10:10 - sounds quite relaxing. But in fact, it is not. I really have to get out of bed earlier to do some homework, else I could not make it in time.
Except of one course, which is very.. well.. relaxing. In general it is about gathering vocabulary, but in the first two sessions we only had to draw fucking mindmaps about a specific topic. And on top, the teacher turns on some classical music for "background-inspiration" .... well, yeah.
But this is okay, as in the other courses are really, really necessetative. Like, ew. ;A;
But it's partially my own fault, as I managed to level up in some Japanese language classes (because the level they put me into was just basical stuff), and .. well.. now there is so much shit to do ;A;
However, as I really want to improve, this is fine.
Additionally, I am already voluntary offering so much more free time for learning japanese here ~~

What I really like, is that I have japanese classes every day, and that in general 9 out of 11 couses are completely in Japanese. Which is a good practice, I guess.

Which leads to the next point.. In the first week I was worried about how to meet japanese people to practice talking, butt here are actually some events, which help to get some interaction. One is a kind of "language club", where you just gather once a week and talk (one hor foreign, one hour japanese)~ here is a photo of yesterday

The other one is called "Baumkuchen-Treff" - unfortunately without Baumkuchen, but hey. This is actually more fun, as it is less a class than a meeting to talk or do stuff together, and we are even planning an excoursion .. wohoo~~
But I do not now how long I will make it there, because the club I want to attend (Archery) is training at the same time. So well, we'll see.

Oooh and by the way, forget Kyuudo. Srsly. As some of you know, I wanted to learn it here - But the teacher is a f**g racist. Or anything like that, or I look like a red-haired witch.
Dont ask. I am still pissed by thinking about it.

Whatever, this week I started to cook my own food, as I finally got a shelf to store. I only have a ricecooker, so until now I have eaten rice with anything besides nearly everyday, but that is fine for me. Actually you can get some delicious, easy-preparable curry in the supermarket.
But theoretically, he can do EVERYTHING for me. I called him "kome-chan", because he is so kind. And tiny. xD

Call me crazy, but HE EVEN CAN DO SPAGETTHI !

But.. well. The spagetthi here is ok. Even the cheese to put upon is fine. But I bought some tomatosauce, was really, really looking forward - AND GUYS, it is so awfully sweet ;____; ehw ehw ehw. Never again.

I am going to cook nearly everything in my ricecooker from now on. Heard that you can even make Omlette or pancakes in it. So if you have some recipes ((which I can afford)).. just let me know :"D

Last monday we could not resist going to Tokyo again.
First stop: Asakusa.
It is more quiet there, but that district is still one of my favourites.

A small lunch.. chicken-cheese-sandwich, as the sandwiches here are relly delicious /D

just a huge bug on a roof. wtf.


Kappas everywheeere~~~

On our way to the temple~

 Yo. FINALLY. This, guys, is the best foodstand in front of the temple, no kidding. I was starving for these things, as I still remembered the taste from 3 yers ago~~ To be honest, I still do not know what exactly this is, but it's just so delicious. Ahwmygod.
There are many different flavours, I got black seseme *o*

The temple area~


Random children dancing Hula. Well.

Just stalking Kristin and Ana 8D
Foodstaaands :33

Oh, for the melonpan-lovers: We got a huge one from the bakery.
Like warm, fresh, crunchy, and so delicious. This is NO comparison to the ones in germany, or to those of the Combinis here. Try to find a store when you are in Japan, it's absolutely worth it.
The man advertising the bread in front of the store was actually really funny, as he tried to speak some german and wanted to take a photo of us.. ^^


It was nice to be back - felt kind of like "home", because3 years ago our hostel was really close to the temple area :)

After Asakusa, we made a short visit to Ikebukuro - there was any signing session going on - Must have been any girlband, but I do not know who /DDD
Maybe AKB48, just because they are so many. I dont know.

Pokemon center!


Armys of Pokemon :DDD 


... And some Pokemon asses. Why ever.

There is also a Ghibly shop <3

Just some Anime escelators in a merchandise-store... xD
Fancy, fancy.


Some random shots of Ikebukuro:


And finally: Our dinner after a loooong day.
Yes, that was all mine. And it was only like 4-5 €.

Oh, and I got my first concert ticket this week - for Kiyoharu next friday! I am already so excided :D

Sorry this are mainly pictures in the second half, but .. well.. it's been a few days :D"

It's 1pm in Japan now, so I'll just do some homework now, and this evening we'll go to a party~~ themed "Oktoberfest". Ein Stückchen Heimat xD
